Electrical Repairs and Upgrades

Point Electric can help improve the electrical components of your home or business. We offer electrical repairs and upgrades for our residential, commercial, and industrial clients. 

Importance of Electrical Repairs

One common type of electrical repairs and upgrades are new outlets, or circuit breaker repairs.

If you notice any changes to your electrical systems, especially after storms or natural disasters, it’s always a good idea to contact a professional electrician to check it out. Our electricians have the training and tools to safely and efficiently repair electrical hazards. Do not try to repair any electrical components on your own as you can end up causing more harm than good. 

Some of the most common electrical repairs are (click on the link to jump to a section):

For more information about outlets, read this helpful article: “Are My Outlets Safe”

For more information about circuit breakers read this helpful article “How Do I Know if My Circuit Breaker is Bad?”

A Circuit Breaker That Keeps Tripping

A circuit breaker that keeps tripping is an important electrical repair to address because it indicates an underlying issue with the electrical system. Constantly tripping circuit breakers can be a sign of overloaded circuits, faulty wiring, or a malfunctioning appliance, all of which can pose a fire hazard if left unresolved. Timely repair ensures the safety of your home and reduces the risk of electrical fires.


Point Electric is proud to serve locations in the Quad Cities Area including Moline, Rock Island, Davenport, Bettendorf, East Moline, and more. We also cover the nearby areas of Galena, Clinton, Walcott, Muscatine, Dixon, Sterling, Geneseo and Galesburg for residential electrical projects. We also serve a larger area of Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, and Wisconsin for large commercial and industrial projects.

Lights That Flicker Constantly

Lights that flicker constantly may seem like a minor annoyance, but they can indicate wiring problems or loose connections. Ignoring flickering lights can lead to more significant electrical issues and potentially increase the risk of electrical hazards. It’s crucial to have a qualified electrician inspect and repair the underlying cause to maintain a safe and reliable electrical system.

Outlets That Do Not Work

Outlets that do not work can be inconvenient and may indicate wiring problems or faulty outlets. Non-functioning outlets can disrupt your daily activities and may be a sign of electrical faults that need to be addressed. It’s important to have a professional electrician investigate and repair the outlets to ensure the proper functioning of your electrical system.

Switches or Outlets that Cause Shocks

Switches or outlets that cause shocks are a serious safety concern. Electrical shocks indicate a fault in the wiring or improper grounding, which can put you at risk of electrical injuries. Getting prompt repairs from a licensed electrician is vital to eliminate the risk of shocks and ensure the safety of everyone in the household.

Broken Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters

Broken Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) outlets or breakers are a crucial component in preventing electrical shocks and electrocution. GFCIs detect imbalances in electrical currents and quickly shut off the power, protecting individuals from potential harm. If GFCI outlets or breakers are not functioning properly, it’s important to have them repaired or replaced to maintain electrical safety in areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and outdoor spaces.

Burning Electrical Odors

Burning electrical odors should never be ignored as they indicate a serious electrical issue. The smell of burning or overheating wires can be a sign of electrical short circuits, faulty wiring, or overloaded circuits. Ignoring this can lead to electrical fires or further damage to the electrical system. It’s crucial to immediately shut off the power and contact a licensed electrician to inspect and resolve the issue.

Blown Fuses

Blown fuses can occur due to overloaded circuits or faulty electrical equipment. Constantly replacing blown fuses is a sign that the electrical system is unable to handle the power demand, which can result in electrical hazards and damage to appliances. Identifying the cause of blown fuses and having a professional electrician address the issue is essential to maintain a safe and reliable electrical system.

Upgrade Your Electric Systems

As with any home or business, maintenance is key. However, over time, electrical systems and wiring do need the occasional upgrade. As technology advances, we’re more plugged in than ever. Smart home systems, a wider variety of small kitchen appliances, smart TVs, and every family members’ phones are being plugged in at the same time. It’s important not to overload your circuit as it could cause an electrical malfunction, or even worse, a fire. 

Upgrades are especially important if you live in an older home or your business is located in an older building, that wasn’t built with modern technology in mind. If you notice sparking outlets, dimming lights, flickering lights, or even power outages, we suggest giving us a call. We’ll go over the electrical elements in your home or business and help determine what the best option will be moving forward. 

Contact Point Electric, Your Quad Cities Electricians

Whether you’re looking for residential, commercial, or industrial electrical services, Point Electric electricians have got you covered! Contact us today to receive a quote for your electrical repairs and upgrades!

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